PLANNED - PART SUSPENDED  Posted: 10/04/2021 11:45PM

[7] trains run in Queens between Flushing-Main St and Queensboro Plaza.

[shuttle bus icon] Free shuttle buses make stops between Queensboro Plaza and Vernon Blvd-Jackson Av.

[S] 42 Street Shuttle will run overnight.

Travel Alternatives:

For service between Queens and Manhattan, take the [E] [F] or [N].

In Queens, take [E] [F] trains or [shuttle bus icon] buses.

• Transfer at 74 St-Broadway - Jackson Hts-Roosevelt Av [7] [E] [F] | [accessibility icon] or Queensboro Plaza [7] [N] [shuttle bus icon].

For service along 42 St, take the [E] [N] [S] trains or the M42 bus.

• Transfer at Times Sq-42 St [accessibility icon] | [N] [S] or 42 St-Port Authority Bus Terminal [accessibility icon] | [E].

For 34 St-Hudson Yards, use nearby 34 St-Penn Station [accessibility icon] | [E] or take the M34 SBS bus via transfer at 34 St-Herald Sq [N] [F].

[accessibility icon] This service change affects one or more ADA accessible stations and these travel alternatives may not be fully accessible. Please contact 511 to plan your trip.

PLANNED - LOCAL TO EXPRESS  Posted: 10/04/2021 10:15AM

For service to these stations, take the [7] to Junction Blvd or Mets-Willets Point and transfer to a Hudson Yards-bound [7].

For service from these stations, take the [7] to Junction Blvd or 74 St-Broadway and transfer to a Flushing-bound [7].

PLANNED - BOARDING CHANGE  Posted: 09/20/2021  1:30AM

PLANNED - BOARDING CHANGE  Posted: 09/10/2021  1:30AM

PLANNED - BOARDING CHANGE  Posted: 09/09/2021  1:30AM