[7] trains run in Queens between Flushing-Main St and Queensboro Plaza.
[shuttle bus icon] Free shuttle buses make stops between Queensboro Plaza and Vernon Blvd-Jackson Av.
[S] 42 Street Shuttle will run overnight.
Travel Alternatives:
For service between Queens and Manhattan, take the [E] [F] or [N].
In Queens, take [E] [F] trains or [shuttle bus icon] buses.
⢠Transfer at 74 St-Broadway - Jackson Hts-Roosevelt Av [7] [E] [F] | [accessibility icon] or Queensboro Plaza [7] [N] [shuttle bus icon].
For service along 42 St, take the [E] [N] [S] trains or the M42 bus.
⢠Transfer at Times Sq-42 St [accessibility icon] | [N] [S] or 42 St-Port Authority Bus Terminal [accessibility icon] | [E].
For 34 St-Hudson Yards, use nearby 34 St-Penn Station [accessibility icon] | [E] or take the M34 SBS bus via transfer at 34 St-Herald Sq [N] [F].
[accessibility icon] This service change affects one or more ADA accessible stations and these travel alternatives may not be fully accessible. Please contact 511 to plan your trip.
For service to these stations, take the [7] to Junction Blvd or Mets-Willets Point and transfer to a Hudson Yards-bound [7].
For service from these stations, take the [7] to Junction Blvd or 74 St-Broadway and transfer to a Flushing-bound [7].